Saturday 3 October 2015

Two Months

It's been two months since I left him. Two months can seem like a short amount of time yet it feels like it was years ago. I barely think about him and when I do its remembering something that happened then moving on.

In saying this, I still live with the aftermath every day. I still look over my shoulder with caution. I still lock my door immediately after walking into my apartment and  I still have anxiety living my house aside from going to work. I still have nightmare that leave me paralyzed by fear. 

I'm still ready "The Emotionally Abuse Woman" and today's chapter talked about acknowledging and dealing with original abuse. As I read through the questions to help you recognize the remaining anger I answered no to all. I'm not angry, I'm not constantly thinking what I could have said or done differently. I realize that it is very possible that I'm in denial or that this might be happening because it's my mind's why of protecting me until I have set up long term counseling. 

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