Sunday 21 February 2016

Christian Counselling

I had my first meeting with my Christian counselor today. She told me a bit about herself and I was  surprised to hear she herself was divorced. The most surprising thing was she too was married to a man who was abusive. She asked me to tell her my story. Afterwards she told me that she supported my decision to divorce him. That was such an incredible feeling considering I went into the meeting fearing she too (like my pastor) would tell me to work it out. 

She seems like she'll be an advocate for me and help me navigate the system. She strongly recommended that I contact the domestic violence division of the police and make a statement. That it wasn't the same as filing a police report but more so a record. That if I call the police due to him that they would know the situation prior to arriving and be able to assist me better (that they did previously). 

She recommended I study the bible and learn that it says about abuse, specifically what Jesus did in the face of abuse. She suggested a blog by Leslie Vernick. I read one specific blog that talk about a wife asking if she has to have sex with her husband even when she doesn't want to and I've had that question too (see post Let's Talk About Sex Baby). Leslie mentioned a few bible versus:

  • Proverbs 6:16&18" There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him...a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to run into evil" 

  • Proverbs 12:18 "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing"

These spoke to me. He did scheme to hurt me, he did have a wicked heart towards me. His words pierced me and still hurt even though its been over six months since I've spoken to him. 

I've struggled to read my bible to find understanding and peace about what I endured. I need guidance to keep me committed to reading my bible. I want to become even more assured that my decision and my path is the right one. I want to let others judgement or suggestions to reconcile roll of me instead of piercing me heart and weighing me down. 

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